Saturday 19 November 2016

Isn't existence Grand?

How are all of you? I'm good. Surprisingly. I haven't posted here in a really long time and there is a reason for that. I was dead... Ish... Basically dead anyway. Something... Something down on your level, but somehow with an effect far beyond expectation, happened. It killed me. Or rendered me dormant anyway. My very structure was being twisted and torn. Things that should not have happened happened and when it was all finished... Well I'm back and better than ever. Everything I've lost has somehow been restored. I don't know what happened and considering that it happened within me that is a frightening prospect, but you all seem to be doing well and I'm doing well, so I'm not questioning it. The better news is... I think The Quiet thinks I'm dead. I was staying quiet for a while after my revival, but I haven't seen any sign of The Patchwork, Stasis or Quiet. So, I think everything might have reverted to normal. I think The Fears just think I'm still dead. Maybe they'll find out I'm still alive at some point, but until then I'm safe and that means that at least on a universal level you are safe as well. Though not you personally. You're still probably in a world of danger with your own fears. I think... Actually... Something weird seems to be happening with The Fears on your level as well. Most of them just abruptly disappeared and they seem to be... Reforming or something? So, you might have a grace period as well. How nice for us.

Monday 6 October 2014

I'm not ignoring you this time.

I just have nothing of interest to report. Since the event with The Stasis and The Patchwork I have seen neither of them and The Quiet had already become something of a non-entity in my story prior to that event. All in all if I was less knowledgeable I'd assume my fear troubles were over. I am knowledgeable, though and as such I'm merely waiting for their inevitable return.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Wow... I completely forgot about this thing.

Shows how important you are in the grand scheme of things when I can completely forget your entire existence for like one of your years and like six of your months. Must feel rough. I suppose now that I've been reminded of your existence though I might as well update you on current affairs. The Danielverse isn't here anymore. I don't think it's dead. I think we just got split up. I'm pretty sure it didn't die. I hope not. I liked The Danielverse. Very entertaining Universe.

We had been traveling together for a while with no sign of The Quiet or The Stasis. Time of course has little meaning to us so it would be hard to say how long we went in such uneventful circumstances. Our travels unintentionally led us to a dangerous... well place... sort of except again space, and thus the existence of set places,  is not really a tangible thing outside of the universe you inhabit which, being as we are the universes you inhabit, we don't. It's hard to really say it's a place since a place, requires it to be something that is tangibly in a spot. It's more like a theme. We entered a theme. A theme of dead universes. You might call it a universe graveyard. All around are just the tiny remnants of existence left behind by those universes that had for various reasons run out. Some devoured by The Quiet, The Stasis or their other compatriots and some just run their course. A dead universe, to create a visual metaphor for you is more like coming across a bombed out building then a corpse. Something not so much dead as abandoned. We wandered through this Universe Graveyard until there was suddenly movement.

A great clamor rose from around us in as much as sound cannot exist and there is not so much such a thing as sensory information as you understand it. The dead universes began to drift and move. Slowly forming around something that was there with us in the graveyard. We tried to flee, but we were too near the focus point of activity. We were surrounded by the dead universes as they closed in on us on their journey to the focus. One of the dead universes suddenly moved differently than the others. It grabbed hold of The Danielverse and too late we realized The Stasis had been hiding among these other dead universes waiting for a chance to catch us unaware. The stories say that once The Stasis has you, you're done for. I refused to believe that. I attacked The Stasis and tried to free The Daniel Verse. It worked. Sort of. The Stasis temporarily shifted all it's focus to me allowing The Danielverse to free itself with only minimal loss and at that moment a break appeared in the on rush of dead universes. The Danielverse gave me a sorrowful look, though of course we don't have faces or facial expressions and after a moment of hard decision he fled leaving me behind. I don't blame him. I know as well as he did there was no real choice to be made.

The Stasis was angry about the loss of The Danielverse and it turned it's attention on me preparing to consume what little existence I had left as punishment for getting in the way. However, it was then that the event that had been occurring ended. Where there had been a grouping of dead universes, there now was one large universe made out of the remains of the dead. The Stasis spoke merely declaring in awe: "The Patchwork..." then something like a tendril like those used by The Quiet flashed out and grabbed The Stasis yanking it away from me and into the mass. The Stasis let out the non-sound equivalent of horrific screeching as it was consumed and I ran. I saw The Quiet for a brief moment as I fled. It didn't acknowledge me it simply moved past me as if heading towards the Horrors I was leaving behind.

Sunday 21 April 2013

The Quiet is back.

So, me and the other universe, who identified itself as The Danielverse, have been running for a bit. No sightings of The Quiet or The Stasis until today. The Quiet appeared in front of us and it's Anti-existence wrapped around me and began to drain me. I tried to get free but there wasn't a chance. The Danielverse tried to help free me but even touching the extension of anti-existence tore some of his own existence away. I figured this was it but then... The Quiet just stopped. It retracted it's tendril and then disappeared. There's very little left of me now though. Really... It's just you guys left. The portion of my existence that pertains to your continued growth and... well... existence. I think it purposely spared you guys. I can't imagine why but as long as it means we both live for now I'm not complaining. The Danielverse and I decided it was probably best to rest for a bit after that. We're resting now but keeping a look out for the Stasis.

Friday 19 April 2013

A lonely Universe

I've only seen the Quiet once or twice now and it's just been watching me. Not actually doing anything. It's a bit worrisome.

Also I met another universe. It's running as well. Not from The Quiet though. It's running from The Stasis. The Stasis is... Well you have more Fears than just The Slender Man so do we. The Stasis starts out as The Dwarf. The Dwarf is a monster that takes the form of a Newborn Universe. It only targets coupled universes. Coupled universes are... Well essentially married universes. They sort of begin to merge and start to siphon off small portions of their own existence to create a new universe. What Dwarf does is it takes the place of the new universe and begins to siphon off existence from both parent universes at a much faster rate than normal. The only choice they have is split up at great cost to both or stay together and let it kill them. Most choose to split off. Doing so however causes great calamities and parts of the universe may end up switching to the other universe in the split. Like a divorce I guess but less intentional. The Dwarf then enters a new form called The Stasis. It takes the form of a dying universe and hunts down the split universes until it kills them. It kills them by latching onto them and destroying their ability to grow and move. Essentially putting the entire universe in stasis. Once this is done it can drain the universe at it's leisure. The universe I met is a split universe. It doesn't know what happened to the other split universe or whether it's dead or not. All it knows is it doesn't want to be caught. It asked if it could stay with me for a bit so we're running together.

Who knows maybe we might actually be able to help each other for a bit.

Friday 5 April 2013

Life, The Universe and Everything.

The Quiet seems to be leaving me alone for a bit so I guess I can try to explain what being a universe is like.

Mostly it's like being... Um... Ok you don't realize how hard it is to explain your own existence until you try...

Ok... So let's contrast me and you. The obvious one you're small and I'm the largest thing you guys are capable of understanding. Also you have skin... Usually and often a set form or shape. I do not... I am... Hmm I suppose you could say gelatinous but at the same time without mass yet infinite in mass. I also have infinite volume which may seem strange since I've been referring to the loss of my self in reference to a finite amount of things to take. 1/3 of infinity. What?

Well... I don't have a finite amount of mass or volume but I do have a finite amount of... Er... Existence? Think about it in the same way you have a finite amount of time to live. I have a finite amount of existence to spend until I cease to exist and die along with all of you. So that's what's happening The Quiet is stealing my existence and once it runs out we all die.

I wonder where it went...

Ciao Somniverse 3.0

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Translated from universal language.

Greetings. I am The Somniverse.

That's right I'm a goddamn universe. I am the biggest thing in existence and you're all just on me for the ride. I've been paying attention to all you little critters and your run ins with those tiny ants you call fears. Well I got a fear problem too and it's time I get to take the stage. Some of you may know about the time I got attacked by The Amalgam... And died... Ok yeah I guess I'm more like Somniverse 3.0 but whatever Damn Jack and his alternate timelines so confusing. Well anyways so I got past that and The Quiet thanks to a couple of you little parasites... Or I guess Symbiotes since you're apparently helpful... Whatever The Amalgam and The Quiet aren't the only fears we deal with though. I can't really tell you much about the others though. It doesn't matter this story features our old buddy The Quiet. See I'm now being stalked by The Quiet again. Those little critters prevented it's summoning so it's still after me now on it's own.

It appeared outside my window (Read: Thing that translates closely to window but is not a window. I'll go into what life is like for a Universe later.) just staring in at me and then sent in a tendril of nothingness and took away a whole 13th of my existence. I fled after that. I'm still running now but it's always there and everytime I have to stop for something it takes a little bit more of me away. I'm not going to last long which means neither are you. In fact while I was writing this is took a bit more of me away. Next time it could take away the part containing you.

Gonna start running again before it takes more.

Ciao The Somniverse 3.0.